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6 Warehouse Safety Tips

By October 2, 2017May 2nd, 2022Business, Warehouse Safety

With heavy machinery, sharp implements, and lofty areas for storing products, warehouses can be some of the most dangerous places to work. Accidents and injury can come easily and in some cases can be very severe. Luckily, there are measures that you as a warehouse manager can take to help reduce the risk of injuries which occur in your warehouse. Here are 6 tips for implementing safety precautions in your warehouse to help reduce the risk of injuries or even prevent certain injuries all together.

Falling. Falling can occur in any workplace even if it is not a warehouse. Actually, falling is the most common workplace injury on the whole. A simple way to help prevent falling is to make sure employees are familiar with their warehouse surroundings. Be sure they are careful when walking in high areas and that they know where items are placed so they do not trip on something while they are walking. Additionally, it is important to have guard rails properly installed in high places and walkways.

Slipping. Slipping is also a common warehouse hazard and an easy one to avoid. Keep the floor of your warehouse clean and free of debris like sawdust. Make sure any spills are promptly mopped up and dried before employees return to that area on the floor, and be sure wet areas on the floor are properly marked. Installing anti-slip tape in high traffic areas can also help prevent slipping.

Crushing. To prevent employees from being crushed by machinery, it is important to properly train the employees who are operating the machinery and the employees who will be working around the machinery. Additionally, keep an eye out for items being stored which could potentially crush employees and be sure they are properly secured.

Fires. Fires are one of the most preventable warehouse accidents. Ensure that all fire exits are properly marked, that all fire extinguishers are easily accessible, and that your employees are well aware and properly trained on all exit strategies. Remove all electrical cords from under rugs, and be sure all flammable chemicals are properly stored.

Stacking. Be sure your employees are all properly trained on how to properly stack items which are heavy or items on high shelves. Be sure items are stacked at a safe height or are stacked on suitable shelves.

Working Conditions. It may be obvious, but be sure your working conditions are suitable for your employees. Remove all asbestos and harsh chemicals from your workplace, and do not cut corners when it comes to proper safety. Not only can cutting corners be dangerous to your employees, but it can be dangerous to you as an employer if an employee reports dangerous working conditions.